Monday, February 19, 2018

Using Our Imagination

Conservatives lack imagination.
All they can do is look backward.
Like Lot's wife.

And we know what happened to her.
Or to anyone fixated on the past.

Because God is forward looking.
To a new day.
A new way of faith, hope and love.

God, always inventing.
Coming to terms with.
Making fresh arrangements.

Putting it together, anew.
Never interested in making the Kingdom of God Great Again.
But in sustaining the greatness of love.

There is no "again" in God's vocabulary.
As if the past held some clue to the future.
There is only a profound grace.

The Kingdom of God is at hand.
Here and now.
And then and there.

Yes, it was in the past
But the past is gone.
As it should be.

Like a marker along the road.
Many more miles to go.

It's the Spirit who rends the heavens and comes down.
Who drives the Son of God into the wilderness.
To know hunger and thirst and sleepless nights.

To fashion a being who can carry the cross.
Who can embrace the world.
Who can give life for life.

Now, that's imagination.
That's creativity.
That's the anchor of tomorrow.

The anchor pulling us along the way.
Into another day.

And maybe Lot's wife can have another chance.
Let the rains melt salt and wash away the resolve.
To yearn for the past and its meager offerings.

Maybe Lot's wife can have another chance.
To find her imagination.
To journey ahead and along the way.

To a new land.
A new place.
A new being.

I think that's how God would have it.
For all of us and the animals.
And especially the children with their songs.

Can we not imagine something beyond yesterday's offerings?
Is there not more to be had in God's pantry?
Time to unlimber the imagination.

To my conservative friends, Don't be afraid.
There's more to life than MAGA.
The Kingdom of God pushing us ahead.

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