Thursday, April 2, 2015

Maundy Thursday Moment

Maundy Thursday about 8:15.
Some early-morning grocery shopping.
My heart is full.
I'm singing and praying.

The black limo to my left, a few feet ahead.
Moves into my lane.
It was going to end badly.
The limo or the curb.

I hit the horn.
Took the LORD's name in vain.
Called the guy an idiot.
Like any good Christian on Maundy Thursday.

Took a few minutes.
Heart pounding, adrenaline rushing.
To recover my dignity.
I laughed.

Bright side, dark side.
It's all there.
Praising God.
Cursing a limo driver.

Ah well ...
For such as me.
He took bread and broke it.
And a cup and poured it.

Here, take this.
Taste the bread.
Relish the drink.
I do this for you ... and the limo driver, too.

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