Sunday, February 23, 2020

Who Are the Quiet Ones?

Ecclesiastes 9:17-18 (NRSV) 

The quiet words of the wise 
are more to be heeded than the 
shouting of a ruler among fools. 

Wisdom is better than weapons 
of war, but one bungler 
destroys much good. 

Who are the quiet ones in our midst?
The wise ones whose words ought to be heeded?

Who’s doing the shouting?
Who’s the loud-mouth ruler?
Who are the fools?

Yes, wisdom is better than weapons.

Is it not true that wisdom builds up?
But weapons take away?

And who’s the bungler?
Whose shouting deafens the ear?
Whose weaponry is ridicule and bombast?
With drones of war and death?

And such a bungler destroys much good.

Does it take a host of bunglers?

Just one is all that’s needed.

In the right place, with those willing to listen.
For whatever reasons they might have.
The bungler serves their purpose.

And the good is destroyed.

The good of the ages.

The good and goods of liberty and dreams.
Freedom and choice.
Dignity and well-being.
The good and the goods of faith, hope, and love.
Grace, mercy, peace.

Much good has been accomplished.
But such good is destroyed.
By the bungler.
In our midst.

A ruler.


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