Sunday, April 1, 2018

Well, Gang, We Made It

Well, Gang,
We made it.

All the way to this Gettin' Up Day.
When stones of hate and fear.
Are rolled away.

Oh, but those stones felt so good.
So righteous and so strong.

Stones of faith hardened by harshness.
Stones of dogma carved by hypocrisy.
Stones of righteousness backed up by bible quoting.
Stones of collusion between Jerusalem and Rome.
Stones to keep away the new thing God is doing.

Uh uh, dear friends, no surprises here.
The powers-that-be won't put up with it.
When politics and religion collude, death arrives on time.

But somehow or other, God breaks through.
The Spiritual Presence moves mountains and stones.
And the living reality of grace, mercy and peace.
Faith, hope and love.
Arises from the death we gave.
The death we love:
The death of another.

Life cannot be so easily defeated.
Yet damage is done.
Real and sad.
Christ shows the scars of his trial and his travail.

Changed forever.
Yet Christ remains:
The light of the world.
Our hope for all the years to come.
Living water and stout bread.
The shepherd of our souls.
The peace that passes all understanding.

This Gettin' Up Mornin'.
Tho't it would never get here.

But it did.
And it will.
Again and again.

To push away the stones we still have.
The stones we love more than life itself.
The stones we have in-waiting.

To bury the new.
The fire.
The love.

And the new, the fire, and the love.
Will suffer and will die.
By our own hand and many a righteous lie.

And we'll hurry up and put it all away.
In a tomb of our own clever making.

And there it will rest until an early morning.
With the dawning of a new day.
To shove the stone away.

The good prevails.
With scars to reveal.
To remind us:
Not to fear.

Not to fear our own days of hurt and grief.
When we follow in his love.
With words and deeds that beckon to life..
And shove away the stones of strife.

A glorious, profound, and ever-bright Easter.
For all creatures, great and small:
A Good Morning to each and to all!

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