Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Temptations in the Wilderness

The temptations of Jesus in the wilderness all boil down to the easy way out.

1. Choose charity - make some bread.
2. Choose glamour and power - throw yourself off the Temple.
3. Relax and bow down - I'll give it all to you.

Charity, of course, makes the giver feel good, offers some temporary relief, but doesn't change the systems that produce poverty, suffering and hunger, even as those who indulge in charity go on eating.

Glamor and power? Religion is always given to these temptations - whether it be the "before and after" testimony, the stories of healing and conversion. Is there truth there? Of course there is, but it's ultimately flawed because it's all about the performer and the performance rather than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

False worship? So easy ... look at power and wealth, the kingdoms of the world and all of their splendor ... bow down, relax, kick off your shoes ... don't bother with anything other than yourself.

Jesus chose the truth, the hard way through ... and for that, I'm eternally grateful.

And eternally burdened, too ... for this is the Jesus Way, a Way that God, for whatever reason, has laid upon my life. Sure, I'll use charity, but warily, because charity is a snare.

I'm not about to throw myself off the pinnacle, but throw myself into ideas and marches and protests and letters ...

I'll not bow down to the splendor of the world, though I love comfort and tranquility ... but I'll not divert my mind and soul from the travail of the day and the evil that besets us.

As best I can, in Christ, and by the Spirit, with sisters and brothers of all sorts and persuasions, I will choose the Jesus Way through life.

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