Saturday, August 1, 2015

Caught My Eye and My Mind (from Edward Carpenter, 1844-1929)

I used to go and sit on the beach at Brighton and dream, and now I sit on the shore of human life and dream practically the same dreams. I remember about the time that I mention—or it may have been a trifle later—coming to the distinct conclusion that there were only two things really worth living for—the glory and beauty of Nature, and the glory and beauty of human love and friendship. And to-day I still feel the same. What else indeed is there? All the nonsense about riches, fame, distinction, ease, luxury and so forth—how little does it amount to ! It really is not worth wasting time over. These things are so obviously secondhand affairs, useful only and in so far as they may lead to the first two, and short of their doing that liable to become odious and harmful. To become united and in line with the beauty and vitality of Nature (but, Lord help us ! we are far enough off from that at present), and to become united with those we love—what other ultimate object in life is there? Surely all these other things—these games and examinations, these churches and chapels, these district councils and money markets, these top-hats and telephones and even the general necessity of earning one's living—if they are not ultimately for that, what are they for?

Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929. My days and dreams (Kindle Locations 4041-4049). London : G. Allen & Unwin ltd..

Reading bio of English Mathematician Alan Turing ... with the above quote from Edward Carpenter, an influence in Turing's life. The quote caught my attention, I downloaded the source to my Kindle, and here it is. That any of this "digital" stuff should work is very much linked to the work of Alan Turing. If, btw, you have seen the "Imitation Game," please do so.

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