Sunday, February 8, 2015


Psalm 103.1-2,
1 Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name. 
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and do not forget all his benefits — 
Forgetfulness drains away gratitude ... sure, life has its fair share, and then some for many, of hardship, disappointment and all the attendant sorrows of loss and deprivation.
And, I suppose, it's easy to fixate on all of that ... I know - been there, done that, though my life has been quite free of such things.
But the Psalm is a little reminder, a nudge, to be more expansive in thinking about life, a little more observant ... pay attention, if you will, to what is good and beautiful and kind; maybe the small things that finally make up the whole.
Perhaps even in the hard times, we might find something of God - "at work in all things, for good" ... though it's always dangerous, if not arrogant, to preach such things from one's couch of comfort.
I think the fulfillment of this Psalm occurs when I look around and begin to say "Thank you" for the people I love, and their love for me. Talk about grace ... amazing grace ...
The material joys of my life - yes, a whole lot of people have far less than I do; I know that ... but to stop saying thanks deadens my spirit, and certainly doesn't help anyone else. Gratitude grows me up!
To look, as well, at a cloud, a leaf, a bee ...
The curl of wave, the feel of sand, the warmth of the sun ...
The cheery note of an early-morning bird ...
All this and more.
And to say, Thank You!
I wasn't smart enough to create any of this.
I am dumb enough to destroy it.
But maybe saying Thanks
Reminds me that all things,
Great and Small,
Are of God.
And are good.
And must be honored for their life.
And it begins, at least for me,
With the words, Thank You!

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