Friday, June 27, 2014

Presbyterian Layman - Murky Waters

Just surfaced after wading into the murky waters of the Presbyterian Layman's website ... wow, are they are the warpath - self-anointed righteous battle against the evil, fire-breathing, god-denying, Bible-rejecting, heretical and apostate, liberal, hell-bent-for-leather #PCUSA #love221, monster. 

They cheer the negative, ignore the positive, celebrate schism, deride those who walk on the PCUSA sunny side of the street, paint themselves as all good, and folks like me all evil. 

It'll be a long time before I dirty my feet in that swamp of hatred and arrogance. 

Sorry, if this language is a bit over the top, but I need some aspirin and a hot shower.


1 comment:

Dennis Maher said...

Excellent word choice: Murky