Friday, April 3, 2009

Living Between the Pages.

The Bible begins simply: “In the beginning, God…” and ends, “The grace of our LORD Jesus be with all the saints. Amen!”*

Our lives are anchored by within these two giant seawalls: God in the beginning and Christ at the end, and by anchored, I mean safe. As Paul writes in Romans, there is nothing anywhere that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our LORD. Period!

With this in mind, where do we live? We live in the middle! We live between the pages, the first page of creation and the last page of grace. As one writer once put it, every good book has a beginning, an end, and a muddle! Yes, things get a bit muddled in the middle, but we’re anchored in the beginning and in the end.

Today, who knows what challenges will come your way, what trials of spirit and body will assail you, but this we know and this we believe: we live between the pages – it begins well, and it ends well, and so shall it be for us!

With faith, hope and love, we endure, and more than endure, we live in God’s love and grace.

We live between the pages!

*In the New Testament, saints are all those who a part of Christ. During the Middle Ages, the term was redefined to specify a class of persons who, by good works above and beyond, acquired “excess merit” upon which the “regular” folk might call – hence, “praying to the saints.” Nothing is further from the mind of the New Testament writers. We are ALL saints in the sight of God!

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