Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Manifest Destiny

"Manifest Destiny," eh? 

The GOP has clearly lost its marbles, and though 5 senators are now begging off of the Convention, they and their colleagues have failed the nation. Whatever "protest" they're mounting, it's too late! They might have given this a little more thought when the McConnell Senate failed to affirm the impeachment-vote of the House.

The GOP IS the problem; it embraced the worst in America's story, believing that white supremacy, evangelicalism, and greed would win the day. 

But history makes clear: sooner or later, in spite of some initial success, the "values" embraced and proclaimed by the GOP rot the soul of a nation, and it doesn't make any difference whatever the nation or empire may be. 

All the cheering of the evangelicals and the hideous Epstein-Money Gang can't prevent the collapse.

Will it get worse before the skies clear?

The GOP is crazy, just plain crazy. Within its ranks are some decent folk, no doubt, but they're as rare as hen's teeth. The truth be told, the GOP is run by a desperate cartel of greedy men and besotted women who long ago sold their souls for power.

Thank God, I say, that God's Manifest Destiny for humankind more than trumps the small and narrow versions trumped by the GOP's lost cause.

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