Monday, February 17, 2020

The Young Who Support Bernie

Why are young voters inclined toward Bernie?

Because they're already on the downhill side of Capitalism and all its promises.

Their future is not as bright as it was for their parents and grandparents. They see a bit more clearly the charade of Capitalism, and they're ready for something better.

They're not afraid of Socialism, either.

They're not fooled by the Capitalist equation of Socialism with Communism. They're not afraid of a government that works for all the people, a government that stands firm for social supports, infrastructure, national parks, education, civil rights, women's rights and universal health care.

Younger evangelicals have also seen the emptiness of their megachurches and froufrou preaching filled with promises that simply can't be realized.

The young see that America cannot remain engaged in constant warfare, but they're not afraid of the need for America to play a major role in peace, environment and immigration issues.

The young live in a multi-cultural, multi-racial, world, and have friends who are LGBTQ.

The young are compassionate and eager to make a difference.

The young are ready for another vision of a far healthier America.

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